Frequently Asked Questions.

And other important information.

Competition Dates for 2024.

Entries open - 1st October 2023

Entries close - 2 February 2024

Shepherd of the Year judging day - 8 March 2024

Awards evening - Wednesday 20th March 2024.

Property Brokers Tararua Sheep & Beef Farm Business of they Year Field Day - TBA

Media - all media/press correspondence will be facilitated through the committee to streamline enquiries for the winners whilst allowing control of content and timing.

Health & Safety - The organising committee advises that the responsibility for Health and Safety through the judging process lies solely with the owner of the property being inspected.

With regard to the public Field Day, the responsibility for the health and safety of the public will be shared by the organising committee and the winner-host.

The organising committee’s responsibility will include formulating and implementing a Health & Safety plan in conjunction with the field day host. This will include having each participant at the field day sign off on an ‘Acknowledgment of Safety’ notice.

The host’s responsibility will be around such things as choice of the route around the farm, identification of hazards, mitigating hazards wherever possible, advising local parties that may have an impact on Health and Safety (eg roading or trucking contractors), and cooperating with the organising committee in the Health and Safety plan.

Feedback - All entrants will receive feedback on their entry from the judges, with a specific focus on the areas of strengths and opportunities, along with areas for improvement and key highlights of your business.

Eligibility - Current Tararua Excellence in Farming committee members are not eligible to receive awards. Committee members need to be away from the committee for at least a full 12 months before they are able to receive awards.